Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort

Good news came from the Qingyuan Changlong project! Today (January 15th) morning, Party Secretary Guo Feng and Mayor Huang Xizhong went to Qingyuan Chimelong to meet with Su Zhigang, Chairman of Guangzhou Chimelong Group, to discuss and speed up the planning and construction of Qingyuan Chimelong Project. The Qingyuan Chimelong Project will Higher standards accelerate the planning and construction.



Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图 Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图1 Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图2 Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图3 Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图4 Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图5 Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图6 Chimelong Qingyuan Forest Resort插图7

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