Industry Knowledge
  • How was the aqua games designed?
    How was the aqua games designed?
    on 2024-7-2

    A complete new product development process goes through the following stages: idea generation, idea screening, product concept development and testing, business analysis, product entity development, and commercialization. The first important stage of the new product development process is to find product ideas, that is, the process of envisioning or creating new products. A good new product idea is the key […]

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  • A brief analysis of the importance of water park planning and design
    A brief analysis of the importance of water park planning and design
    on 2024-6-28

    Whether the operation of a water park is successful generally depends on the planning and design of the park in the early stage of investment. The ultimate goal of investing in a water park is to make a profit, and in order for a water park to make a profit, it is necessary to attract tourists and control costs. Whether […]

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  • On-site investigation
    On-site investigation
    on 2024-5-20

    On-site investigation refers to a method of investigation conducted on the spot. Its main purpose is to obtain the actual situation on site and provide basic data and a basis for subsequent design and construction work. So, what exactly is the content of on-site investigation? The content of on-site survey includes observing and recording the topography, geomorphology, hydrology, meteorology and […]

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  • Unprofessional maintenance and refurbishment will shorten the service life of equipment
    Unprofessional maintenance and refurbishment will shorten the service life of equipment
    on 2023-2-24

    After some water park equipment has reached the end of its service life, it has to be postponed in order to continue to use it. At present, most parks choose their own maintenance personnel for maintenance or find non-professionals such as individuals for maintenance, and there is a phenomenon of unprofessional maintenance. There are even those who use paint instead […]

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