The Importance of Slide Instructions

1, Play instructions can be presented in the project prominent position by means of identification, broadcasting, video and pictures, allowing visitors to understand, recognize and master relevant information directly.


2, Any form of water slide, play posture and staff demonstration, guidance and correction are very important. Employees will guide the process experience more effectively and directly through play behavioral norms and attitudes.


3, The nervousness and excitement of the tourists may cause the posture to be deformed and injured. The water park servicepeopleshould guide through the limb stretching to help to calm the mood of tourists.


4, Water area, adult and kids, darkness area, etc., on-site management and inspection.


5, In the queuing area to express the mandatory restrictions of tourists, such as weight restrictions, height, various types of heart disease, high blood pressure and other patients and seniors, strict management or even prohibit the play.


It is generally believed that the development and construction of the water park in the early stage is very important. The most abstract metaphor is “to prepare a child during the construction period, and to raise a child during the operation period”.



The Importance of Slide Instructions插图 The Importance of Slide Instructions插图1 The Importance of Slide Instructions插图2 



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