Industry Knowledge
  • How should the Water Park Keep Stable Development?
    How should the Water Park Keep Stable Development?
    on 2015-5-13

    With the improvement of living standards, water park market appeared many changes. Here, let’s talk about how to keep your water park stable long-term development. Choosing better themes Many water parks now choose the theme either from the self, or from the perspective of the water park equipment manufacturer. In fact, the choice of topics should be decided by the […]

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  • How to Judge the Water Park Equipment?
    How to Judge the Water Park Equipment?
    on 2014-11-2

    There is a lot of water park equipment manufacturers in the market, when the investors are planing for a water amusement park, to choose water park equipment make them feel confused. Here Vison Waterparks will tell you all about how to choose the good one. 1. The raw materials used in the water park equipment This is very clear, because the supplier […]

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  • Costs for Start a Water Park
    Costs for Start a Water Park
    on 2014-9-2

    If your dream is to open a water park, one of the first things you’ll need to do is determine the start up costs, whether you’re independently wealthy or dependent upon investors. Even if you plan to open a water park that’s small, a water park is no small-scale project. Clarify your vision for the park. Before you tally the start […]

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  • Eight preparations to build a water park
    Eight preparations to build a water park
    on 2014-8-22

    1. Location The location and scale of the water park are determined based on local available passenger flow, transportation conditions, consumption levels and the self-employed teams. Don’t simply imitate others. The location is better chosen in a convenient location, with a large passenger flow and convenient transportation. As for the scale, it must be based on a combination of factors such […]

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